Data-Driven Insights

Supercharge Your Conversations with Google Analytics!

Fed up with manual data crunching? Say farewell to that grind! Queue bot's unified and secure dashboard is your data superhero, backed by the mighty Google Analytics. It rescues your customer support data from scattered spreadsheets and paper files, putting it right at your fingertips.

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Democratize Your Data with Google Analytics Dashboards

Precision Metrics, Made Easy

Measure chat metrics down to the nitty-gritty details. These robust chat statistics, powered by Google Analytics, provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Overall Dashboard with Google Analytics

Connecting the Dots for Actionable Data

With Google Analytics, gain a comprehensive view of your data. Dive deep into standard metrics like CSAT and explore bot and agent performance in detail. This data is your guiding light for smart decisions and setting your support team up for success.

Real-time Monitoring with Google Analytics

Stay in the Know in Real-Time

Turn your live chat agents into strategic assets by monitoring customer support data as it happens. Analyze live data, from chat statuses to agent availability and response quality, all in real-time. Google Analytics empowers you to stay on top of it all.

Reporting and Scheduling with Google Analytics

Instant, User-Friendly Reports

Surprise executive meeting? No problem! Generate a variety of reports on essential customer support metrics in minutes, just in time for that last-minute meeting. What's more, you can schedule these reports based on your preferences, thanks to Google Analytics.

User Insights with Google Analytics

Enhance Conversations with Valuable Data

Make your conversations rich in information, all thanks to Google Analytics. Identify frequently asked questions and create FAQs around them. Boost your bot's coverage by adding new question categories, providing relevant examples for existing categories, and adapting the bot's flow to meet changing user needs. This way, your bot efficiently handles common queries, saving your agents' time and increasing productivity.

Build your chatbot today!

Make sure you don’t miss the chance to see the future of customer support and sales in action. You can set up a special demonstration with our experts today.